The AR VR Conference 2019 will be held at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich (University of the German Federal Armed Forces) from 12th to 14th June. The conference will be hosted by Prof. Philipp Rauschnabel, Chair of the newly founded Professorship of Digital Marketing and Media Innovation and the xReality Lab.
For the first time, there will be a preconference event (June 12th) that also includes a doctoral consortium containing a “Meet the Editor” session for AR & VR researchers in their early stages of their academic career.
Multiple forecasts indicate that the evolution of media and technology will further blur the boundary between the real-word and the virtual world. To better understand how these new realities impact a variety of business and management practices, the growing and interdisciplinary community of international researcher meets at the international ARVR conference to present and discuss recent advancements in the field. This conference has rapidly developed from a small conference on AR, VR, and Mixed Reality to an established conference attracting researchers from business, tourism, MIS, and so forth. The last conference attracted more than 230 people from more than 20 countries to Manchester, UK. In addition, keynote speakers from renown companies, such as Microsoft , BBC, PwC, and Samsung, discussed new technological developments within the industry; a presentation that continues to attract numerous scholars from around the world.
In addition to an interesting conference program, the AR VR conference announced its collaboration with the prestigious Journal of Business Research (JBR). Selected academic conference papers will be invited for consideration in a Special Issue to be published following the conference.
The campus of the Universität der Bundeswehr München and its interesting history, the facilities - including flight simulators and multiple media labs - provide a perfect environment for this conference in one of the most beautiful areas in Germany, Munich (Bavaria). Munich is also one the most active cities when it comes to AR and VR. Companies including Metaio or ReFlekt have their headquarters here and the industry meets each year at the Augmented World Expo (AWE) Europe. In addition, Munich and its beautiful suburbs invite conference attendees to visit multiple historic and cultural tourist attractions, beweriers, Biergartens, lakes, or the Alps.
Topics of particular relevance for the conference include:
AR & VR in Marketing and Branding: Studies that assess the theoretical mechanisms through which virtual or augmented branded content can leverage brands and subsequently impact consumer behavior, including inspiration, purchasing and loyalty. Included among these theoretical domains is grounded theory and its focus on the cognitive psychology of real multi-sensory experiences versus the virtually imagined.
AR, VR, and Human Theories: While numerous AR and VR studies have applied theories grounded in technology acceptance and other IS premises, there is a lack of research incorporating and investigating established theories in marketing, management, media, communication, management and so forth from an AR and VR perspective.
A Critical View of AR & VR: Studies have assessed how consumers react to threats to their own and other people’s privacy. We expect and encourage the submission of papers addressing potential AR/VR participant risks (including dizziness, health risks, etc.) to be among the primary topics.
AR & VR in Specific Functions and Industries: AR and VR can also be used in multiple other disciplines afar from marketing and consumer research, such as Human Resources, Manufacturing, Medical and Health Services, and so forth. In addition, some industries (e.g. Tourism) are pioneering in the advancement of AR and VR.
AR, VR, and Business Models: AR and VR provide multiple opportunities to disrupt existing and to build new business models. For example, in combination with other technologies (e.g. 3D printing), specific functions or disciplines might not be effective anymore.
AR, VR, and Society: In 2016, millions of people worldwide played Pokémon Go. This was one of the first times where many people combined a digital game with being physically active outdoor. However, this also lead to controversies about the positive (physical activity, socializing) and negative (privacy, distraction) for consumers and societies as a whole. Also, as we know, the phenomenon was very shortlived. What factors might make AR and VR products go beyond the fad to instead truly offer value.
AR, VR, and Use Cases: Where and how can AR and VR be used? Share academic or practical use cases with the international AR and VR community.
…plus any other topic relevant to the different disciplines! SPECIAL ISSUE (Journal of Business Research) Selected papers will be invited for publication in a Special Issue of the Journal of Business Research (JBR). JBR is a top-ranked academic journal (VHB Jourqual: B; ABDC: A) and, according to GoogleScholar, the 5th highest ranked Business Journal and the 1st highest ranked Marketing Journal.
More information and ticket registration can be found here: