Tag: XR conference

Highlights from AWE USA 2020

Seattle, Munich, St. Ingbert, 2nd June 2020. We are overwhelmed by this years digital version of AWE USA. The AWE team realised an extraordinary experience that is accessible for participants worldwide through online livestreams, Virtual Reality side events, networking and discussion forums and a digital Expo. There are so many possibilities to interact and get most out of the flood of innovations, information and speakers being presented the whole conference week. We were at AWE’s offline conferences during the last years but this year’s format is even offering much more to the participants than the offline event could do in a real expo day. We really like this new digital format of AWE USA 2020!

XRWA Live from AWE USA 2020

The topic of this year’s AWE USA is “It’s time to go spacial”. The AWE USA 2020 is the most important international conference for Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Extended Reality topics. Speakers from around the world discuss the latest XR industry trends and show best practice examples.

The AWE USA 2020 will be completely virtual this time and takes place from 26th to 29th May 2020 from Michigan to participants around the world.

Our team from XR WORLD ACADEMY is participating the whole week and will keep you updated about the latest trends and best cases in XR live from AWE USA 2020.