The SWISS SOCIETY of VIRTUAL, AUGMENTED and MIXED REALITY (SSVAR) is realizing the Dimensions XR 2020 Conference from 28th Ocotber to 30th October 2020.
The DimensionsXR2020 is an international conference and exhibition which offers a variety of themes and top speakers: XR pioneers, leading scientists, researchers, engineers, practitioners, technology developers and policy makers in science and extended reality will exchange information on their latest research progress and innovation.
The conference is an online event and includes plenary lectures, Keynote lectures and invited talks by eminent personalities from around the world in addition to contributed papers both oral and poster presentations.
Leading experts discuss themes related to XR like: Medicine and Healthcare, Architecture and Construction, Spaces and Aeronautics, Business and Marketing, Artificial Intelligence and Human Computer Interactions, Sci-Arts, Gaming and Cinema, Human Centered Design, Education, XR Safety and Privacy, Neurosciences and psychology, Research in XR and XR in Factories.
DimensionsXR2020 Tickets are available on eventbrite
More information about DimensionsXR2020 can be found here: