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United Nations’ YOUNGA FORUM in VR

According to VRworldtech, the United Nations’s (UN) annual Global Youth Takeover is taking place in virtual reality, for the first time. On this occasion, the rapper Pitbull will perform on the EngageVR’s immersive learning, training, collaboration and events platform in front of 1,500 youth delegates.

Read the full report here:

The so called YOUNGA Forum is taking place on 24 October on Engage, from Ireland-based Immersive VR Education, and will feature presentations from Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization, and Siyabulela Mandela, a journalist and grandson of Nelson Mandela, among others.

The event will culminate with the virtual performance from Pitbull.

The UN is the latest organisation to use Engage to host a significant event in virtual reality, with the European Commission, Ericsson, Facebook, McKinsey & Company, the US Air Force and Yahoo all turning to Immersive VR Education’s platform following the outbreak of Covid-19.

According to VRworldtech, Immersive VR Education said the European Commission is exploring the possibility of making virtual reality the preferred means to host events such as these in the future.

David Whelan, chief executive officer of Immersive VR Education, said there has been a “big increase” in major organisations wanting to host virtual events.

He continued: “We are delighted the United Nations has chosen the Engage platform to host its annual ‘Global Youth Takeover’. Rather than just a simple 360 degree video, the Engage platform will provide delegates with a fully immersive visual and audio journey. The concert from Pitbull at the conclusion will be one of the first times a major artist will have performed virtually, inside a fully rendered live environment.”

Whelan revealed that use of Engage is growing strongly month on month, largely thanks to Immersive VR Education’s decision to quickly adapt the platform for hosting live events.

He added: “We believe Engage is becoming a ‘must-have’ for organisations where video communication alone cannot meet their engagement needs. ‘Zoom-fatigue’ is becoming common and Engage provides an alternative to help companies better interact with remote teams, host large scale meetings and events, and conduct training, to name just a few uses.”

“We are now seeking to position Engage as a ‘must have’ for corporations at a time when video communication is just not meeting the demands required to host events and larger scale meetings. Our involvement with the YOUNGA Forum will put our technology in front of many thousands of new users globally as we consolidate our position as a leading provider in the industry.”

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