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XR BAVARIA e.V. just started its activities

The Extended Reality Bavaria e.V. (XR Bavaria e.V.) just started its activities as the first XR association in Bavaria with the aim to support the topics Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, 360° Video as well as further forms of Extended Reality in Bavaria. The official formation has been realized in April 2019 already with a total of 14 founding members from the Bavarian Economy, Science and Education as well as Media Industry. The main goal is to connect XR interested people and to act as the first point of contact in respect of Extended Reality topics.

Clarence Dadson, already known within the XR community through his regular meetups during the last two years, has been building a strong community through his Munich MeetUp Group „VR und 360°”, therefore it has been a logical next step to integrate this community into the foundation of an XR association for Bavaria. Together with Martin Rieger, a well-knownVR-Audio-Expert and Petra Dahm, an international experienced Technology- and Communication Consultant, they build the board of the association.

The overview of participants consists of renowned names within the XR scenery like e.g. Dominic Escofier, Dirk Schart, Leif Arne Petersen, Fabrizio Palmas, Christian Felder, Vanessa Hensel, Katrin Paulig, Aline-Florence Buttkereit, Christoph Ostler and Andreas Büttner. Within the first weeks after the foundation of XR Bavaria e.V. (XRB) many interested XR enthusiasts from various industries have joined already so that XRB is able to offer its members a diverse local and international XR network.

“With a membership fee of currently 49 EUR per year, the XRB has strategically decided to provide its services for a low entry fee in order to give access to various members from different backgrounds and hence to assure a diverse membership community. Especially young talent as well as newbies within XR in order to guarantee an ongoing interdisciplinary exchange between established professionals and motivated young talents,” explains Petra Dahm, Board Member Finance for XR Bavaria e.V.

Bavaria is already known as an important hotspot in respect of economy, education, technology and media. For the still young but promising XR industry, that has been supported so far by a fast development within the hardware and software business with a significant growth, the exchange and interaction of a profound network as well as the visibility of this segment in Bavaria are very important for the near future.

“After successful projects abroad also Bavarian companies and organizations are more and more using immersive technologies in various ways: From Health, Real Estate, Product Development (Prototyping), Gaming to Human Resources and Education. But also within the entertainment and infotainment industry there are new opportunities arising through XR - besides challenges like the lack of know-how in this fast pacing technological developments - exactly this is the area of responsibility for the XR Bavaria e.V. to be the first contact in those cases,” explains Clarence Dadson, Founder and Board Member of the XR Bavaria e.V.

For more information, please have a look at the website of the

The next event organized by XRB will take place with the topic „Gaming“ on 18th July in Munich at Hologate. The participation is free and even “non-members” are welcome to join.

If you want to participate on 18th July , please register here XR Bavaria Meetup

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